Hugging amma
Hugging amma

hugging amma

And she speaks of being raped herself, repeatedly, by one of these same swamis, and names him.

hugging amma

Tredwell speaks of her discovery that, while claiming to be a lifelong celibate, Amma secretly has sex with several of her closest swamis (monks who have taken lifelong vows of celibacy). Tredwell tells of being beaten, clawed, and bitten by Amma, who would succumb to fits of rage over small mistakes made by her attendants. Tredwell's riveting book recounts stories of donations intended for charity being converted into gold jewelry and hidden under the garments of Amma's sanyasis (monks) as they passed through customs - then the gold being passed to Amma's family to make them fabulously rich. In the book, Tredwell recounts her personal experience in the ashram, where she admits she was complicit in covering up all sorts of ashram secrets, in a misguided attempt to protect the guru's misdeeds from public view (believing, as all guru cultists do, that the guru is God in human form and therefore exempt from human standards of right and wrong). The book is called "Holy Hell: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion, and Pure Madness" and was written by Gail Tredwell, formerly called Gayatri - the woman who for 20 years served as Amma's closest personal attendant and chief female disciple. Since then, a book has come out that does a far better job than anything I could ever say to reveal the truth about this guru. The article below was written by me some time back. Recognize themselves as magnificent, powerful expressions of God.” Worship you as God Incarnate is not the behavior of someone who wants people to

hugging amma

Allowing people to pray to you, kneel to you, and While speaking fine words about 'the God within each of us,' her actions Men and women, giving them dolls to babble to and telling them she's their GlobalistĪmma doll devotee "Amma's brand of religion is a return to the infantile. Amma the Hugging Saint': Mother-Cult Leader, U.N.

Hugging amma